May 6-10


Monday, May 6
In your planners, write...
I can identify FACTS in an article.
Do Now - 20 minutes
Typing - continue where you are in Typing Web
If you have NOT finished your Libre Office project, do it now! It is due TODAY.
  1. Debrief (go over) LIbre Office Project.
  2. Begin Argument Paragraph with FACTS - you will need this document
  3. Highlight main ideas - follow directions in the video. If you are working from home, you can access the video here.
  4. When you have highlighted all the FACTS, raise your hand. I will clear you for next part.
  5. Place ideas in FOR or AGAINST chart (click on the link to open it).
  6. If you're working from home, use the video here.
Wrap-up - 5 minutes
Should 6th Graders have smartphones? Survey_click HERE.
Wednesday, May 8
In your planners, write...
I can identify FACTS in an article.
I can write an Argument paragraph with FACTS.
Do Now - 20 minutes
Typing - continue where you are in Typing Web
You may also try any of the other typing tests we have done before (use the links in the previous posts).
  1. Debrief (go over) LIbre Office Project.
  2. Discuss Argument Paragraph Checklist.
  3. Continue Argument Paragraph with FACTS.
  4. You will need this document to help you write your paragraph.
Should 6th Graders have smartphones? Survey_click HERE.
Friday, May 10
In your planners, write...
I can write an Argument paragraph with FACTS
Do Now - 20 minutes
Typing - continue where you are in Typing Web
You may also try any of the other typing tests we have done before (use the links in the previous posts).
  1. QUIZ - Libre Office. Go to Engrade.
  2. Continue with your Argument Paragraph with FACTS. 
  3. Place ideas in FOR or AGAINST chart (click on the link to open it).
  4. You should use your checklist AND refer to the "libreoffice part3" video to write your paragraph.

What do you like best about writing?

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6th grade, keyboarding, computer science, computer technology