


In your planners, write...
Lessons 9-12
Quiz Thursday!!!
Do now...
Complete Lesson 9 and Lesson 10  typing tutor - once each
Take a screenshot when you are done.
Continue to work on Lessons 9, 10, 11, and 12.
You may practice for your quiz here.

Sharing... How are you doing?  Can you offer any tips for others who might be struggling?


In your planners, write...
Quiz Today!
Quarter 1 Survey
Do now
Complete lesson 10 typing tutor - to warm-up for the quiz.
Quiz - please follow directions
Take Quarter 1 survey at this link.

What have you enjoyed most about this class so far?


In your planners, write...
I must complete Lessons 5, 6, 7, 8 three times each.
Typing Test Wednesday!!!
Do now...
Complete Lesson 8 in Typing Tutor.  You need all the practice you can get.
1. Continue working on your Typing Lessons 5, 6, 7, 8.  Take a screen shot at the end of each lesson.
You must complete each lesson at least 3 times.

If you want to practice up for next week's test, click here.

What do I like best about typing?
What do I like least about typing?


In your planners, write...
Test Today!!!
Begin Lessons 9-12
Do Now...
Warm-up on Lesson 8 in Typing Tutor
You have 10 minutes.
Typing Test #2 Please follow directions
Graph your results.

On your reflection, write...
"I am excited/not excited about my test today because..."
"Using the box when typing is hard because... "
"One thing I can do to improve my typing is..."


In your planners, write...
Lessons 9-12 (3 times each) must be completed by September 28.
Do Now...
Lessons 9 and 10 - one time each.
Make sure to take screen shots after you complete each lesson.
Create a New Folder in your main folder and name it "Lessons 5-8". Move all of your screenshots from lessons 5-8 into this folder.
Turn your volume off on your computer.  You may go to Dance Mat Typing and start at Level 1, Stage 1 and keep working.

Share one idea about why you like or don't like Dance Mat typing.





In your planners, write...
I must have completed Lessons 5, 6, 7, 8 three times each by the end of the week.
Do now...
Complete Lesson 6 in Typing Tutor once.  You need the practice.
Take a screenshot AFTER EACH lesson.
Turn off your volume.
Open your Tux Paint self portrait - I will come and check to make sure you finished.

Work on Lessons 5, 6, 7 and 8 today.  Take a screenshot at the end of each lesson and save it to your folder.
You must have completed each lesson 3 times by the end of the week.
Complete checklist (handed out in class).

Write in your typing logs...
"I have completed lessons ______ so far."  
My goal by the end of the week is...
Save your work.


In your planners, write...
I must complete Lessons 5, 6, 7, 8 three times each by the end of the week.
Typing Test next Wednesday!
Do now...
Complete Lesson 7 in Typing Tutor.  You need all the practice you can get.
Continue working on your Typing Lessons 5, 6, 7, 8.  Take a screen shot at the end of each lesson.
You must complete each lesson at least 3 times.
Complete checklist.
If you want to practice up for next week's test, click here.

Reflect on your progress so far.  Answer the questions:
  • Am I ahead, behind, or right on track with the lessons?  
  • What am I doing well?  Where am I struggling?
  • What can I do to catch up if I am behind?

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In your planners write...
  • On-paper reflection of first typing test
  • Lessons 5, 6, 7, 8
Do Now...
  1. Complete Typing Tutor Lesson 5 once.
  2. Get out a sheet of paper and a pencil - you are going to write a reflection.
1. On your paper, write the following sentence starters and complete each sentence.  Finish the following sentences on your paper:
  • I am excited/not excited about my score on the typing test because...
  • The typing lessons are helping/not helping me because...
  • I can work to improve my typing by...
  • My typing goal for the end of this quarter is...
2. Complete the Typing Fluency Graph for Pretest 1 and Typing Test 1 - see handout.

Wrap up
3 people will share their reflections.
You will turn in your reflection and your typing fluency graph today.
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In your planners write...
Tux Paint
Lessons 5, 6, 7, 8
Do Now...
Complete Typing Tutor Lesson 5 or Lesson 6 once.
  1. Presentation of how to use Tux Paint.
  2. You will create a self portrait today.  Your self-portrait must include the following:
  • An accurate (if possible) illustration of your face.
  • A colored background - be creative, you may add designs.
  • At least one other thing that makes your painting uniquely you.

Wrap up
In your Typing Log, write:
The best thing about Tux Paint is...
Tux Paint could be better if...

6th grade, keyboarding, computer science, computer technology