May 14-16


Tuesday, May 14
In your planners, write...
I can write a well-constructed argument paragraph
Do Now - 20 minutes
Typing - continue where you are in Typing Web
  1. Continue working on your Argument Paragraph
  2. If you have already finished, work on the extensions at the bottom of the checklist.
What have you learned so far about 1) Arguments 2) Libre Office?

Thursday, May 16
In your planners, write...
I can type at least 20 words per minute.
Do Now - 5 minutes
Warm up for your typing test - click here.
  1. Typing Test - Take the test in Typing Web
  2. Typing Speed survey
  3. Continue working on your Argument Paragraph
  4. If you have already finished, work on the extensions at the bottom of the checklist.
  5. Turn in all materials from checklist.
Free time?

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6th grade, keyboarding, computer science, computer technology